Note: The information on these pages does not apply to guest students, doctoral students and students aged 60 and over.
According to the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG), all students can study for a certain number of semesters without paying fees in addition to the semester contribution. The law refers to this number of semesters as "study credit". Roughly speaking, this credit for a Bachelor's degree covers the standard period of study + 6 semesters.
The study credit can be changed due to special circumstances. For example, it is extended by at least the duration of the Master's degree programme or reduced by semesters of a previous degree programme (§ 12 para. 2 NHG).
A judgement by the Lüneburg Higher Administrative Court clarified the following: If a study credit for the Bachelor's degree has already been used up and long-term fees have already been paid during this study phase, a line is drawn at the start of a subsequent consecutive Master's degree. There is then a new study credit in the amount of the standard duration of the Master's programme.
Key sentence from the judgement:
" (...) If the study credit according to § 12 para. 2 sentence 1 NHG is completely used up during the Bachelor's programme, a new study credit according to § 12 para. 2 sentence 2 NHG is available upon commencement of a consecutive Master's programme. The study credit for a consecutive Master's degree programme can therefore not be used up during the Bachelor's degree programme."
(OVG Lüneburg, 2nd Senate, judgement from 24.11.2021, 2 LB 127/21)
However, if the study credit from the Bachelor's programme has not yet been used up, any remaining credit from the Bachelor's programme can be carried over to the Master's programme. This is added to the credit balance of the Master's degree (standard period of study of the MA + remaining credit BA).
The following exceptions also exist:
Periods that do not trigger the utilisation of study credit
" 1Thestudy credit is not utilised in semesters (...) in which the student
1. is on leave of absence,
2. is actually caring for a child within the meaning of § 25 para. 5 BAföG who has not yet reached the age of 14 at the beginning of the semester (...),
3. is caring for a close relative within the meaning of Section 7 (3) of the Caregiver Leave Act and the need for care within the meaning of Section 3 (2) of the Caregiver Leave Act has been proven,
4. is active as an elected representative in a body of the university, the student body or the student union or
5. holds the office of Equal Opportunities Officer.
2Sentence1 nos. 4 and 5 shall apply for a maximum of two semesters (...)."
(§ 12 para. 3 NHG)